
Genre Moodboards

The task was to create moodboards for four genres of music, using 40+ images. I found that for the Classical music genre- it was hard to find images because I couldn't think of a lot of classical music artists, compared to the Rock genre, but for the Rock, I used artists who produce.. much heavier rock music.

Prezi on Timeline of Music Magazines link :

The task was to create a timeline of music magazines, and should have been information on 10-20 magazines. This task made me aware of how long music magazines had been around and it was interesting to learn about.
At first, I wasn't sure how to use Prezi, but I became accustomed to it and I understand it now, it's definitely more interesting to watch and make than a Powerpoint presentation!

Initial Audience Research Into Music Magazines Survey- SurveyMonkey

 The purpose of this task was to gather information on a target audience for my music magazine. I will use this survey as a guide on price, things to include (question 4) and what genre(s) I should focus on.  I have been behind with getting answers from people as I have recently moved house and have not had internet for almost two weeks, so I have not been able to publish it on any social networking sites at home, and they're blocked at college. As soon as I have internet at home, I will publish it to a social networking site.
Now that I have internet at home again, I asked a few friends to complete my survey, and the screenshot above is how I asked them.

These results show that the people who answered my survey rarely buy music magazines. I sent the survey to people of my own age,
The price my friends were willing to pay was a reasonable price for a magazine, and I would answer £1-2 , or £2-3 if there was something in there worth paying for.

This question is to see which genre of music was most popular between the people I asked. I asked a couple of my friends the same age as me, but also slightly older. I asked this age group because 16- 25 years is my target audience, and to see what genre was most listened to would help my magazine sell as it'd be what my target audience wanted.

The most popular reason for buying a music magazine would be the articles, indicating that I should include a lot of articles that will grab my audience's attention. I should also include a lot of pictures as I know my target audience generally don't like too much text.

This screenshot of the last question in my survey shows that the respondants have only read very well known magazines. I researched Melody Maker at the start of this project and the magazine closed down in 2000 due to its rival NME, which explains why my respondants had not read it.

Analysis of Rock Sound
Link to the essay:

Go Animate Summary of Essay

For this task I had to create a short animation, summarizing what I had learnt from my essay and how the analysis will help me with the creation of my magazine. 
I used Go Animate because it's a new way of using technology, creating variety in my work.

1 comment:

  1. Genre Moodboards Feedback:
    You have looked at a nice range of genres for this task and each genre is clear through your choice of images. Your rock moodboard is particularly detailed and indicates target audiences effectively.
